Monday, October 4, 2021

#8 Progressive Era

 It's crazy how the media so heavily can portray one side of things and not the other and how it can convince SO many people that something is true when it very well might be the furthest thing from the truth. It is also interesting how all wide spread (key word here) news outlets more often than portray similar things of each other, while they might not be agreeing on what is being said they're reporting on the same general concept. Now on the other hand, there are a few not so wide spread news sources that are not as publicized because they don't agree with the general public. The two websites shared (Anti War and American Conservative) are very clearly not what the main stream media likes to share. 

People may have their own thoughts about the war and talk about them amongst friends and family but it is not very common to read articles on how the Kabul had bomb attacks at a Mosque memorial service that ended up killing truly innocent people or how in Asia people were killed in a Framers' protest... the people of this nation like to stay "informed" on what suits them. Not on the general and very clear bad things going on in the world on a daily basis. I think we as a nation can handle bad news of terrible events but only in micro doses as to not to upset the general public TOO much because then, people might start thinking their own ideas and we all know that would cause its own storm of issues to arise. 

I think the reason people have to seek out this not so popular websites in order to see and hear the antiwar voices across the globe for two reasons. The first being the general public is too lazy to search for anything and so the more publicized sources get onto the main stream news because its what the people want. And because of the laziness it causes the second being that they are so covered because of the main stream sources its hard to find and is not broadcasted on general television. 

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