Monday, October 4, 2021

#7 EOTO - Presentation

 Learning about new technology is always interesting because more often than not, I personally, have no idea how it ever originated. During our class every single person was able to select an item of technology and explain how it came about in a sense. What was interesting to me was the type writer. Now granted not many people use them anymore if at all BUT, it gave way to me typing right now on my computer. It just evolved. 

In the beginning it was very bland in a sense, only writing in uppercase and sat on a big stand by your feet, that was until Thomas Edison was invited by the creater Christopher Sholes to see the creation. Edison came in with his electricity hat and decided it needed electricity to really make it. Edison went on to create his own with the use of electricity which then was sold and bought by Mark Twain. It is interesting because without anyone thinking of the idea of creating a type writer who knows how set back the world would be if it wasn't until decades later someone thought of and acted on the idea of being able to type the words typically hand written or spoken. 

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Final Blog Post

 Technology is a wild thing. Something that has had a rapid growth spurt in the world around us and yet doesn't seem to be slowing down ...