Monday, October 4, 2021

#9 EOTO Terms and Definitions

Typically, when you think of the word government one would expect that you should be able to trust them as a whole, especially considering that they run... a lot. However, the reality of that statement is that more often than not there is a split, those who trust their government wholeheartedly and those who don't and are skeptical of that. Something that this lack of trust stems from is the idea of disinformation. This is the concept that government organizations spread false information for the sole purpose of wanting to mislead the general population, and this false information is given by the organization to a source of rival power or even the media. What goes hand in hand with disinformation is misinformation, this is the information given to mislead, it is the inaccurate information given with the intent of deceiving anyone who comes across it. Given that disinformation can be provided to the media to share with others, there is not much good this can do, other than build a false sense of hope but with that the truth does come out which then in turn leads more and more people to distrust their government. If people can't trust their government then who are they supposed to trust?

Disinformation with misinformation given to the public can affect society as a whole because then everything trickles down to not being able to trust local government, then moves to state government, then piles up to not being able to trust the entire government as a whole. Imagine if something were to happen in the United State, and the people can't trust their government, then what happens? Does all hell break loose? If we cannot then trust our government who are we supposed to trust and how do we know who exactly to trust? 

Being misled, in my opinion, would most affect the lower and younger classes. The rich have too much money to really care about the truths and lies of the government, if anything were to happen they truly could hide away with their money or in all honesty escape in a sense. The older generation, as morbid as it sounds, are going to die and won't be around much longer to care for the lies or feel the affect of it, if anything for the older generation they just might be upset considering how things were back in "their time". The younger generation is still malleable, true solid opinions might not be formed yet and they, including me, are very impressionable and getting the idea to not trust ones' government doesn't leave a good taste in anyone's mouth especially at a younger age. And the poor are more affected because a lot of people rely on jobs for, you know, money. If people start not trusting the government general spending will more likely than not start to decrease because the government is the one who "makes" money in a sense. And when people don't spend money, people don't make money because jobs get cut and decrease across the nation. 

Not being able to trust the government, honestly, I don't know how it would affect me. I could sit here and think of all these things on how it would affect me but I honestly wouldn't know until it came to the day of. If anything it would affect my family slightly because they're grown and know how the real REAL world works, I'm not there yet. I do think it would affect my generation as a whole because we are the up and coming and if we don't trust the government what are we supposed to do? However, as much as I want to say we have the chance to rebuild so much, there is such a separation of thoughts and ideas that stems from generations before us and if we can't get over small differences such as party affiliation, there is no chance we can truly rebuild something so broken. 

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