Wednesday, October 6, 2021

#10 - Living in the Age of AI

It is not a new concept to understand that technology is ever evolving. While connections may be getting quicker and there's new versions of iPhones and MacBooks always coming out which is super cool, RIGHT?!? There are also advances in Artificial Intelligence that parallel the advances in technology, we just don't pay attention to AI. When it comes to improving AI of course there are positives, but also there are the negatives as well that can't be avoided or especially ignored.  A positive factor of AI improvement is that it can make things more uniform, in the video it explained how currently things being shipped via ground transportation, drivers can only go for 11 hours straight, when it comes to AI that number increases to 24 hours straight because it is not a human behind the wheel, its artificial intelligence. There can also be a higher rate of productivity. With AI they for starters don't have to be paid. They also don't need breaks for the bathroom or to eat, the only breaks needed is if there is an update with the system. When it comes to the idea of security with AI there are also positives. For example, if someone breaks into your home the AI can use facial recognition in determining who acted on the crime, also your face can be linked with your bank information to pay things which could be good in the moment. However, there are of course the negatives. In the aspect of security and privacy with AI a negative could be that you could receive a fine just for your face, and not have the chance to fight it. Imagine if you get a ticket for speeding, you thought the speed limit was say 45 but in reality it was actually 35, you wouldn't have the chance right when it happens to explain that you were confused. There is also the chance, with any sort of technology, of it being hacked. Imagine if something could access every part of your life... and it gets hacked. All your personal information, financials, and private information can be seen by anyone and shared with everyone. There is also the very probable chance of a higher unemployment rate with AI. Sure getting packages from Amazon in less than 2 days is super cool! But what isn't cool is all the jobs that get lost between creating the item and getting it to its destination, factory workers, truck drivers, postmen, all jobs lost to one single entity. 

In the idea of national security it can be promising. This technology is able to describe people to a T. Their age, height, weight, and who the person is. In, for example, a terrorist attack this technology would be able to identify and place everyone involved and get the bad guys and protect the innocent. But, this technology can also describe the same descriptions about the good people in the world as well, leaving no sense of privacy to anyone. In the grand scheme of things yes being able to find the bad guys is good, but at what cost? 

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Final Blog Post

 Technology is a wild thing. Something that has had a rapid growth spurt in the world around us and yet doesn't seem to be slowing down ...