Wednesday, October 6, 2021

12- Class Discussion

During class on October 5th we talked about how the definition of being a whistle blower has now transformed into the connotation of being a traitor as well. Now more than ever people are coming out about the scary truths the United States Government hides. Now more than before because of the power of media, the dark web where things can be shared and not traced back to the "traitor" who shared the information. We watched a challenging video that, obviously, was kept out of the news, and it showed how U.S armed forces murdered people for the THOUGHT of them having major weapons, such as AK47's..... they had cameras, they were photographers, there were kids. Why wasn't this information ever released? Why wasn't this video ever shown? Let's think shall we. It plainly puts the United States in a bad light, killing innocent people, the U.S? NEVER!!!! Wrong.  Guest Ken Llgunas said that he had seen the video before but had only gotten a feeling of general empathy for those in the video, that was before he had children of his own, now when he watched the same video, this time a father, had a wave of empathy wash over him and he just couldn't believe it. We went over also how one never really thinks about the first amendment rights we have - freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom for religion, freedom of press, freedom to assemble, and freedom of the right to petition the government. Many of us take for granted the freedom of speech on a daily basis, that is until there is a chance it could be taken away. 

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