Thursday, September 9, 2021

Blog Post #3 - Eight Values of Free Expression

Out of the eight values of free expression the value that resonates with me the most is number four "Individual Self-Fulfillment". This resonates with me because this value talks about freedom of speech and how it allows any individual to express themselves however they choose. In expressing themselves in a wide variety of different ways, they are able to find like-minded individuals who they can then befriend and grow with. This way everyone is able to find their "people" and then continuously grow beyond just their "group" and then create a whole species of civil people. We are among an era of self love and self-fulfillment and that is truly because of this particular value because it can enable others to help themselves and also help others in a caring way (not every day we come across those types of people). 

From the eight values, the one that seems the most important to me is number seven - "Promote Innovation". Our world is constantly changing and evolving. There is this idea that if one cannot continue to change with the world, then they're left behind. And I've never heard anything more true. This value shares the idea that in an environment where free speech is protected and valued then that community is more likely to have a creative environment where people can fulfill themselves in different ways - which then creates innovation derived from creativity. A community that can be innovative and evolve with the changing world around them will always stay on top of the newest ideas and will remain "on top" compared to others. I will say, with the age of technology and things changing, America does do a decent job of ever changing (not necessarily in the best ways always but nonetheless.) 

Out of the eight values of expression there are a few that stick out, but only one feels the most personal. Number six, "Promote Tolerance", gives me mixed emotions. This gives me mixed emotions of on one hand, while it's a good idea, currently in today's world is the most opposite thing I've ever read. But also, it is something that if more people consciously consider in their daily lives, the world could actually be a better place. This idea of promoting tolerance is that with the freedom of speech then people can express anything, sometimes things are said that one might not agree with, the idea of this value is that it is okay to find what someone said at hateful or upsetting. Then it teaches us to become more tolerant and accepting of other point of views, then making us a better society because everyone is tolerant. This is a load of crap and not at all the closest in being true with today's world. I don't know about you, but I know MANY people who when they hear something they don't agree with in the slightest sense they cause an uproar. This "uproar" could be anything from just plainly saying something to the person to putting them on full blast on social media explaining how that person is wrong while they themselves are right and are always right. Now, could this have to do with the idea of political divide, and how some Democrats will never believe or trust a word that comes out of a Republicans mouth (and vise versa because this majorly goes both ways), yes. However, on top of the political divide that has separated so many in today's world, I also believe people are far too sensitive these days. Again, there are many people who I know personally and people who I've heard stories from, that if anything "hurts" them in any way possible then that person plays the victim to the most extreme point possible. While this value makes conceptual sense, if people in our world continue to be far too sensitive (and in my opinion, it will only get worse), then this value will only remain an idea and never come to life because there are too many people who avoid any sort of CIVIL conversation surrounding ideas they do not like. 

The value that I truly see in action today is number five. "Check on Governmental Power" also known as the watch dog rule". This is the idea that free speech combined with freedom of press that anyone can voice their concerns about any idelation of abuse of power. There is already a system of checks and balances in place in a governmental setting within the three branches - legislative, judicial, and executive, but this goes further to include citizens to be able to express their concerns. With the power of social media in today's world this allows anyone - whether or not they are in a role of publicizing this news to be able to voice their concerns. Whenever there is any news of someone abusing power more often than not this is voice one way or another on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram which then brings to light the abuse of power but also informs those who may not be aware of it. This social media "coverage" then almost forces the individual to confront the news about them and provides the people to get to the bottom of it. A very well known abuse of power was with President Trump, the one who got impeached because of it. Trumps Power was clear during his time in office and more often than not got him in some trouble. There were many times on Twitter where just his name alone was trending, where over thousands of tweets were surrounding him. This just goes to show that without freedom of speech AND press, this news wouldn't be able to come to light. 

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